To celebrate the fact
Subhumans are playing Newport this week, I thought we'd have a bit of Dick Lucas related stuff.
Before I waffle on about the E.P., it's nice to see old bloggers back. rodking who used to run the mighty fine, 'Land Speed Sonic', is back with a new blog,
Eclectic Rhythm. If you ever went to 'Land Speed Sonic', you know what to expect of sorts, but now even better! Loads of rare old Punk Rock, Hardcore, Crust, Hip hop, Dub,Indie... great scans of all releases. Top site. With at the moment some great old Subhumans live stuff up. Go visit.
Anyway, this E.P. was free with a copy of Crisis Point zine, which in itself was a split zine for this release combining forces with Polka Slam zine.
Released in 1988, you have four of the heavyweights of the underground for that year, Culture Shock, H.D.Q., Bolthrower & the Instigators. At the time you couldn't get much better than that. Four of the most active touring bands of the era.
I've spoiled you and scanned the inserts as well.
click to enlarge and singalong with Bolthrower, should you so wish.

Crisis Point - Split E.P.