I thought i'd stay with the live theme. This is a decent enough boot from a 1977 Roundhouse gig. I've given you a nice picture of, Shihan
JJ Burnel, 6th Dan on the front, executing a side kick.
Sounds like it was a fantastic gig, great atmosphere & The Stranglers are as tight as hell.
Nice little pieces in there from Hugh, having a pop at the crowd for gobbing and the like. Particularly good version of Peaches on this.
Love the fact that Jet Black was well known for driving around in an ice cream van. The band used to ferry their kit around in it. England legend Stuart Pearce is a massive fan.
My favourite Stranglers story is the night JJ Burnel & Paul Simonon, squared up outside Dingwalls, after The Stranglers had supported The Ramones & The Flamin Groovies. The Pistols & The Clash had gone along for the evening. The story goes, JJ thought Paul had spat at him, if you've seen old footage of Paul he does gob a lot, (Paul still thinks JJ kicked him first) it kicks off in the bar JJ decks Paul, who falls into Cook & Jones having a quiet pint, they all jump Burnel, bouncers break it up, chuck em out, then it kicks off outside. Greenfield goes nuts, throws Lydon against a wall, who says 'nuffink to do with me' Cornwell & Joe look on in disbelief, mates from the old pub rock circuit. Hugh apparently saying, 'Look's like your bass player is having a fight with my bass player.'
Sounds like a quality night out.
The Stranglers - Live At The Roundhouse 1977