Ok, this started after I made a few comments back & fore with asbo of 'Nothing Better To Do' blog,
Nice blog he has going there with some eclectic stuff. He has posted on there one of those 3 disc comps you see in Asda or HMV or the like.
'Flesh, Fangs & Filigree'.very modern goth looking, loads of S&M imagery etc. (fine for the bedroom....) but hiding under all that pseudo gothery are some (to my mind) of the best tracks to come out of that mid eighties period.
I was so impressed, I made a copy of what I consider to be the best tracks on it to listen to today. And now, you can have a copy! I've even made you a fancy cover. Seriously, some great stuff on here.
Break it down,
Ritual - Mind Disease, some great snarling vocals, killer track.
Screaming Dead - Creatures Of The Night, signed to 'No Future' street punks with crimped hair. Still sound like an Oi! band to me.
Theatre Of Hate - Judgement Hymn, Kirk Brandon & boys at their best. I loved TOH, still do.
Actifed - Crucifixion, saw Actifed supporting the U.K. Subs back in the early eighties. Released some great singles of which this is one.
Blah, blah, blah.....
More great tracks... And anyway, why the bloody hell do The Dark keep appearing on these things?
Why the title? I'll let 'Dave Simpson of The Guardian'explain....
'In February 1983, NME lumped together several mostly forgotten bands (Southern Death Cult, Sex Gang Children, Brigandage, Specimen, agged them 'positive punk'.
I also remember they lumped in The Mob.
Serious, good stuff on this. Apoligies to asbo for shamelessly nicking & re-posting.
VA - Positive Punks On Postcards