Snuff - Do Do Do E.P.

Hello. Back after an enforced & festive break. Connection problems and a little too much festive cheer. However, i'm back with some perfect New Years fair for you in the shape of Snuff. If your having a karaoke party this is the one. Hen Night & Gay disco classic, Gloria Gaynor's' 'I Will Survive'. Also a four tops cover, and I hasten to add one of my favourite Snuff songs, 'It Must Be Boring Being In Snuff' which is ripsnorting Punk Rock at it's very best. Get it for that alone, even if your not a cover version kind of guy or gal. 4 tracks on this 1996 deceptive records. Lots of nice pictures of scooters all over this as well.
See you next year brothers & sisters, I'm off to get pissed. I'm nothing if not a traditionalist. Happy New Year!

Snuff - Do Do Do E.P