Ok, picture special as promised from this weekends Feeding Of The 5000 gig at Shepperd's Bush Empire. Peroxide risked life and limb for some of these people, fine job I think. The door policy was a bit of a mess the first night it would seem. People confused as to what queue was what etc. Peroxide didn't get in til half 8 so caught Conflict mid set.

Colin Conflict looking suitably psychotic, Apparently he'd cut his finger.
Conflict - The Serenade Is Dead
Steve and band first night.

Something tapping you on the shoulder there Steve?

Nice to see Gizz still using the same guitar he had on in last nights Janus Stark post.

'Merchandise, it keeps us alive!' £15.00 your shirt £10.00 your poster. Ummm...
Second night. Better than the first Peroxide tells me.

Deviated Instinct.

Steve Lake of Zounds.
Zounds - This Land
To be honest, I'm More worried about Steve Lake's teeth than globalisation. You shouldn't drink that stuff man! It dissolves skrews n shit! If the Global director of Coke happens to be passing, I'd quite like £50,000 for product placement. Cheers!

Flux Of Pink Indians. The band responsible for my diet.

Before? While they were? It's Flux. 1970's.
The Epileptics - 1970's Were Made In Hong Kong

Second night. I'm like 'Did they still sound like Crass? No heavy metal solos or shit?' She's like, 'Yeah, sounded like Crass'
Crass - Rival Tribal, Rebel Revel
All a bit Spaghetti western this. Seems like a missed an OK weekend. I dunno. If you went drop us a comment. I'm interested.