Went to see Rancid on Thursday night. Fine gig it was to. Support from Clash inspired The Exposed & one of the U.K.'s premier Oi! outfits,
Argy Bargy. Watford Jon clearly had a great time and they went down a storm which was nice to see.
Now Rancid are not everyone's cup of tea I know. But live they are simply stunning. It's a rare day i'd ever think of putting 'Ruby Soho' on the turntable, but when you hear it live with a few other thousand people going bananas, it's a real joy. They dedicated 'Old Friend' to Roddy of The Oppressed who was apparently there somewhere in the melee. Top night.
Rancid probably have more official free MP3 downloads out there than any other band on the planet. Which I think is highly commendable. Click picture for official site.
Oh yeah, I am over 14. So I got in, no problem.