Henry Rollins - Bristol Colston Hall 27/01/08

Sorry for lack of updates of late, but we're running on half steam here.
Went to see Henry Rollins do his spoken word thing again on Sunday night. He talked for three hours and I wasn't bored once. The man is a legend. Some great anecdotes from his travels in some of the worlds perceived terrorist hot-spots. He was actually in Pakistan when Benazhir Bhutto was assassinated. Mix this in with some tales of his time rehearing then singing with The Ruts leading up to the death of Paul Fox, and some nice Nick Cave, Jello Biafra and David Lee Roth impersonations & your in for a good night.
Rollins was Black Flag. I'm not having it any other way. Top bloke. Makes you feel like a human being.
Did this little piece on Bush where he pronounces Mandela dead. Check out the vid.
The photo was the only decent shot we managed to get. We were way back mind.
This is one of my favourite Black Flag songs from 'In My Head'.
Black Flag - Retired At 21