Anti-Social : Made In England EP

Early splatter-gun Oi! from Blackpool's Anti-Social. Active from 1981 to 1984. Signed to Nagging Barry Lights Beat The System label, alongside the likes of The Fits & One Way System. They weren't Nazis & don't let some of those myspace pages set up by muppets convince you otherwise. Enjoy the smooth sounds of Woz, Spig, Daz & Sid.

Anti-Social - Backstreet Boys
Anti-Social - Your Choice
Anti-Social - New Punks
Anti-Social - Screw U
WOW! Thanks. Name must surely come from Skrewdriver's first single tho'? That is not to imply anything other than well nothing really...ha ha ha!
Thanks again, last saw this in a record shop in Sweden around 1994 or so!
"All songs written by Antisocial" - "Backstreet kids" & "Skrew u" are both Skrewdriver songs (also) - well can't listen to this right now as at work (but download for later is ok ha ha ha)...
sorry for rambling on, but just to say "The Best Of Anti-Social: Battle Scarred Skinheads" is that a comp.?
yes....of course they was not nazis but friends with ian stuart (they lived in the same town) and after antisocial daz (the bassist) make the RAC band SKIN UP! you wanker!!!
Did I say they were nazis though, tough guy? Can't you read or what? Quick to judge are we?
But thanks, I did not know that Daz went on to form Skin Up.
Best wishes,
Blimey, language please, how anti-social.
Guess I can't read either - clearly backstreet boys is not backstreet boys...ha ha ha. And skrew u sounds nothing like skrewdriver (more exploited actually) not sure if that makes ME a nazi then...
This week is certainly the boys temper running over on music blogs week. Perhaps it will become a annual thing?
anyway thanks again John for another cool post.
Best etc
Yeah i've always thought they sounded like the exploited. The discography is "The Best Of Anti-Social: Battle Scarred Skinheads" on Captain oi! like I always say click stuff read things, or not. Thanks for comments Slob it's always a pleasure. Like you say "A comment means I am not doing this for myself solely..." or am I????????
Is this the same band from the movie "Made in England?"
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