Various Artists - Mizaru Kikazaru Iwazaru

Quality compilation CD on Blind Destruction records, featuring maily Welsh & West country Punk bands. My favourite sort of Punk bands as it goes. Some great stuff on here from Da Capo, This System Kills, In The Shit, Poundaflesh, Gurkha & Bomb Blast Men. If you see one, buy one they're only about 3 quid.

Various Artists - Mizaru Kikazaru Iwazaru
Lets have a video from Gurkha as well shall we?
guess who drew the skull on the back
I don't think I can forgive you. Ever since I heard Disco Romance on your blog, I cannot stop playing it. I cannot believe after all of these years I had never heard this brilliant track.
you & your skulls! You just crazy skull boy. You going to MDC on thursday now or wha?
It's a catchy little ditty aint it. Always reminded me of the early Ants stuff a bit. I saw Bernard at a Discharge gig a few weeks back & it's even starting to grow on him. Now if we could only get Chris fuckin Moyles to start playing it in the morning i'm sure it's a number 1.
You should check out Martin Gurkha's new band Warprayer sometime ;)
BTW, would you mind updating the link to my site in your blogroll when you're passing? Cheers ears.
skulls its all i can do,punk init..yeap i,ll be there on thursday might even bring my fancy new camera i found see you there
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