Soldier Dolls : What Do They Know

Soldier Dolls remain one of the more internationally obscure of the Welsh punk bands from the early Eighties, probably because they only played outside of Wales once – and that was their final show! The Soldier Dolls formed in 1981(after a short period under the unfortunate moniker of Animation), and played their first show in September of 1982 – a show they actually gatecrashed rather than were invited to play at. This seemed something of a trademark for the band, seeing as decent
gigs were few and far between at the time.
In 1984, the Soldier Dolls self-released their debut EP, ‘What Do They Know?’, on their very own Scream Records, the label being ran by guitarist DKA. A three-song affair, featuring the tracks ‘Gotham City Is Dead’ and ‘Be Like You’ alongside the anthemic title track, it showcased the band’s high-speed gruff-vocal approach to decent effect.
Buy this book. Watch this video.
Soldier Dolls - Gotham City's Dead
Soldier Dolls - Be Like You
Soldier Dolls - What Do They Know
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